What Came Up For Us?
- We primarily focused on people-centered economics, how technology can empower people, and how we can help people harness their technology in a way that is secure and also empowering.
- Karl Polanyi and The Market Society / “the triad of land, labor, capital” / the idea that in history markets were subordinate to society
- How would we ensure perpetual digital access to the people? Considering servers and all hardware degrades, what would a community land tech trust look like?
- NYC Mesh is a community owned Wi-Fi network.
- Red Hook Wifi is another community driven internet initiative that allows connectivity and may work even when more traditional wifi connections are down.
- Could we buy/take back spectrum?
- How can cooperatives transition into commons?
- In the Open Cooperativism piece, the point was made that “We need to find ways to remove land, people, and money from the market.” What are interesting strategies to accomplish this in communities? In the digital sphere?
- Amazon’s infrastructure is impressive but all those Amazon boxes also signify capital streaming out of our neighborhood.
- The value of movements like OWS and BLM that people say “accomplished little” is that a lot of people get politicized through them. Also a lot of great groups and effort have grown out of these “big tent” groups/movements. Alicia Garzza of BLM makes the point that the tech platforms are there to signal boost but the real organizing happens in person/face to face. The movement is IRL.
- The concept of the “Tragedy of the Commons” is fictitious and radicals/commoners should better understand it as such. Elinor Ostrom’s work is a good place to start.
- The plenary at the Platform Cooperativism conference “What Happened to the Future?” with Douglas Rushkoff, Alicia Garza, Yochai Benkler, and Felicia Cheng was actually pretty radical and thought provoking.
- CyPurr Collective Digital Security Workshops – “People feel so much better once they realize there are concrete steps they can take.”
- EFF’s Security Training Materials
- The Tactical Tech Collective’s Security In A Box
- LevelUp Guide for Global Digital Safety Training
Readings for the December 16, 2017 Meetup